Business Chat: Instagram Messenger Guide

  • Linus Scheibe
  • 12/28/2023
  • 9 min reading time
Instagram DM für Unternehmen - Instagram Business Chat

Instagram is one of the world's largest social media platforms with nearly two billion active users. The platform offers great opportunities for businesses. You can engage with your target audience and market your brand and products.

Meta is developing more and more Instagram Business features. With the Business Chat, Instagram offers a valuable messenger update. Companies can benefit from new functions that simplify the exchange of direct messages via Instagram.

What does Business Chat mean on Instagram?

Introduced in late 2022, Instagram Business Chat is a feature available exclusively to Instagram Business accounts. It offers companies new ways to communicate with customers in direct messages.

On the one hand, Instagram Business Chat is interesting for growing businesses. This feature implies that the management of direct messages is no longer limited to the Instagram app. Companies can organize chats either via the Meta Business Suite or via the official Instagram Business API.

The API enables the integration of Instagram Direct Messages into external messaging platforms like Superchat. This feature allows scaling businesses to provide better customer service and build stronger relationships with their customers.

On the other hand, the Instagram Messenger update offers new features to protect customers. A grey text box in chat tells users if they are communicating with a verified Instagram Business account. Platform users can also determine which types of requests they allow in their direct messages.

How does the Instagram Business Chat work?

The first step involves setting up your Instagram for Business account. Two ways exist to accomplish this. Either create a new business account or transform your existing personal profile into a business account. For the latter, navigate to your profile settings and select the option to convert to a business account.

Keep in mind that to unlock the power of Instagram DM, you must have a linked Facebook page. This connection is vital for seamless integration and functionality.

Instagram Direct Messages for Business

The simplest use case of the Instagram Business Chat can serve as a tailored solution for budding enterprises. It offers the familiar chat environment found in Instagram Direct Messages. This feature, typically available for personal profiles, is now at the disposal of small and starting businesses.

With Instagram Business Chat, your company can utilize the Direct Messages section: sending and receiving messages, answering customer inquiries, and conducting sales discussions.

This isn't just about sending plain text messages. Elevate your interactions by infusing life into conversations through the use of images, GIFs, stickers, and emojis. These expressive elements add vibrancy to your communication, making your actions more engaging and relatable.

Instagram Direct Messages via Meta Business Suite

One of the most significant improvements to Instagram Business Chat is becoming increasingly important for growing businesses. This feature provides the ability to manage Instagram Direct messages through Meta Business Suite (formerly known as Facebook Business Suite). Beyond the confines of the Instagram app, businesses can use a range of useful features to streamline and organize their conversations.

With Instagram Business Chat, your business can organize Instagram Direct Messages in the unified inbox of Meta Business Suite.

A pivotal advantage lies in the unified management of chats from both Instagram and Facebook within the Meta Business Suite. This centralized inbox provides enhanced clarity, particularly when dealing with high message volumes and collaborative team efforts. The merge of messages offers a comprehensive overview, making it easier for businesses to stay organized and responsive.

Instagram Direct Messages via external Messaging Platforms

Instagram Business Chat is proving to be a powerful tool for emerging businesses looking for increased capabilities and flexibility. With the Instagram Business API, companies can explore an expanded realm of possibilities. Especially when integrating external messaging platforms such as Superchat.

With Instagram Business Chat, your company can integrate Instagram Direct Messages into external messaging platforms and benefit from extensive customer communication features.

Superchat's unified inbox transcends the boundaries of the Meta universe. Here, you can process Instagram Messenger Chats alongside messages from platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Business Chat, email, and SMS. This merged approach provides a centralized hub for efficient communication management.

Superchat goes beyond conventional messaging platforms, offering automation, team chat functionality, analytics, and more. These features collectively ease the complexities of customer communication, providing a robust solution for enterprises to navigate the intricacies of B2C interactions.

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Instagram Business Chat trust features

In the world of B2B SaaS, building trust is paramount. Leveraging a verified Instagram Business account along with Instagram Business Chat can greatly enhance a company's credibility.

A verified badge on your Instagram Business account acts as a virtual seal of authenticity. It signals to potential customers and partners that your business is legitimate and recognised by Instagram. This visible verification helps build trust from the first interaction.

With Instagram Business Chat, your company can project a sense of trustworthiness.

Using Instagram Business Chat reinforces your commitment to transparent and open communication. Engaging with customers and partners through this platform demonstrates accessibility and responsiveness. This direct and interactive approach builds trust by making your business more approachable and customer-centric.

Why should you use the Instagram Business Chat?

Instagram Business Chat is just one exciting example of the useful Instagram Business features. Business accounts provide valuable insights into the demographics and browsing habits of your followers. Explore additional features such as setting up an Instagram Store, FAQs and Ads to boost your business profile.

The example of the new Instagram Messenger update illustrates the breadth of Instagram Business features. Using Instagram Business Chat can improve processes in the following business areas:


The dynamic feature allows companies to focus on personalization, tailoring messages to the preferences of their audience. Businesses can create a more intimate connection with customers and add vibrancy through engaging multimedia elements. The result is a marketing strategy that is not only relatable, but captivating. It drives customer engagement and brand loyalty.


Instagram Business Chat provides an interactive and streamlined approach for businesses in the sales space. Handling enquiries becomes seamless, and the platform provides a dynamic space to guide potential customers through the purchasing journey. This ease of interaction increases customer engagement and simplifies the sales process, making it more efficient and effective.

Customer Service

In customer service, timely responses are paramount. The platform enables companies to respond to enquiries in a timely manner, ensuring greater customer satisfaction. The focus is on individualized interactions. Creating a customer service experience that is not only efficient, but also personalized to each customer's unique needs.


In the realm of recruitment, the Instagram Business Chat is becoming a powerful tool in the engagement process. It helps companies attract candidates by creating an accessible, interactive space to showcase company culture. This adds engagement to recruitment and builds a closer connection with prospective employees.

Does Instagram Business Chat fit your company?

Determining whether Instagram and the Instagram Business Chat are suitable for your company involves considering several factors. These factors include your target audience, the nature of your business, and your overarching marketing objectives.

In a nutshell, deciding if Instagram is right for your B2B SaaS business involves considering the platform's appeal and how well it suits your business needs.

Target Audience Appeal

Instagram boasts a vibrant, trend-conscious and discerning audience, making it an attractive platform for certain industries and products. The platform's key advantage is its extensive reach, connecting businesses with a diverse and engaged user base.

Visual Engagement

With its visually oriented design, Instagram offers businesses the opportunity to showcase their brand and products in a creative and compelling way. The platform encourages active responses from users who are eager to engage with posted content.

Strategic Evaluation

While the platform offers many benefits, a careful evaluation of your target audience and marketing goals is crucial. Evaluate whether your target audience is an active participant in Instagram, and whether you can realistically achieve your marketing goals and use the platform for customer care.

Business Chat: Instagram Tips for your communication strategy

Incorporating the Instagram Business Chat into your communication strategy offers a dynamic way to connect with clients. Here are key tips to enhance your approach:

Customer-Centric Approach

Place your customers at the forefront of your Direct Message strategy. You should understand their needs, preferences, and concerns. Craft messages that resonate with them and address inquiries promptly. This customer-centric approach fosters meaningful interactions and strengthens your relationship with clients.

Personalization is Key

Tailor your messages to the unique characteristics of your clients. Utilize their names, acknowledge their preferences, and personalize your communication. This shows attention to detail and improves the customer experience, making interactions more engaging and memorable.

Swift Response Time

In the fast-paced world of online communication, a swift response time is crucial. Aim to address inquiries and messages promptly, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. Timely responses contribute to a positive perception of your company's professionalism and reliability.

Maintain Professionalism

While fostering a friendly and engaging tone, ensure your interactions maintain a professional demeanor. Clear and concise communication reflects positively on your brand. Professionalism in Direct Messages establishes a sense of trust and reliability, reinforcing your company's credibility.

Measure and Analyse

Take advantage of Instagram Business Chat's analytics features to measure the effectiveness of your Direct Message strategy. Analyze response times, engagement rates, and customer feedback. Use this data to refine your approach, ensuring continuous improvement and delivering an even better customer experience over time.

Combine the Instagram Business Chat with other messaging channels

Customer communications are becoming increasingly digital and diverse. Traditional methods such as phone calls and emails are no longer sufficient to provide customers with a high-quality experience.

In addition to messenger services such as WhatsApp, Instagram is becoming more and more popular. Following the principles of conversational commerce, customers can communicate directly with businesses through Instagram Direct Messages.

The challenge for businesses is to use these channels effectively. Superchat can assist in merging Instagram DMs, WhatsApp, Facebook, email and more into a single inbox. One place houses all channels, with a single login providing access, and multiple team members can use them simultaneously.

This ensures efficient and centralized communication management, streamlining interactions and improving the overall customer experience.

If you're interested in utilizing the Instagram Business Chat through Superchat, simply reach out to us via WhatsApp.

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What other features does Superchat offer?

Superchat is the all-in-one messaging software for your business. Build loyal customer relationships, send & automate newsletters, sell products, answer questions - everything is possible with Superchat.

Here are a few examples of how Superchat can take your business communication to the next level.

WhatsApp Business

Over 2.7 billion people use WhatsApp. Be accessible to your target audience and use the messenger for customer service, marketing, sales and recruitment. We take care of your WhatsApp Business verification and ensure GDPR-compliant use via the WhatsApp Business API.

WhatsApp Newsletter

With Superchat you can create attractive WhatsApp newsletter templates with media content, buttons and CTAs. Give your audience an easy way to subscribe to your GDPR-compliant newsletter and manage opt-ins directly from the platform. Keep an eye on your personal dashboard to track open rates and other KPIs.


Superchat's intuitive modular system allows you to easily create your own WhatsApp bot without any coding. You don't need developers or IT resources to build your chatbot. Superchat's automation feature provides additional ways to automate recurring workflows and increase efficiency.

Customer reviews

Your customers' opinions are important. With Superchat, you can bring all the major review sites together in one place. Keep abreast of recent reviews from platforms such as Google, ProvenExpert, Trustpilot, and others. Send a review invitation via their preferred communication channel and make it even easier for them to share their experience.


Customise our messaging platform for your specific use case. Connect your favourite tools or integrate Superchat with your existing systems. Zapier and Make allow you to choose from thousands of different integrations. Our own public API gives you the power to customise Superchat the way you need it.

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Linus Scheibe
Linus Scheibe
Marketing Manager, Superchat
Linus is Marketing Manager at Superchat and is responsible for various content formats. He is also very familiar with the start-up scene.