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KRF's Direct Support to Children & Young People Via Chat

Swift action is crucial when it comes to children's rights. This article explains how the KRF provides direct help and support via chat.
  • 10/31/2023
  • 2 min reading time
KinderRechteForum Erfolgsgeschichte Cover

The KRF (KinderRechteForum) is a non-profit organization founded in 2014 by Üwen Ergün. It's dedicated to the realization of children's rights, focusing primarily on implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It's one of the main contact and complaint offices for children's rights in Germany.

KRF values direct contact with children and young people, which, in today's digital world, often takes place online. Previous chat solutions were unconvincing, being either too expensive or too complex to implement. Moreover, Üwen Ergün and his team prioritize GDPR-compliant communication, as they handle the personal and sensitive data of those seeking help, a requirement not fulfilled by all messaging tools.

Children or young people rarely pick up the phone. The inhibition threshold to ask for help is high, but a WhatsApp message can be sent easily and quickly.
Üwen Ergün, KRF Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung & Gründer
Üwen Ergün, Chairman of the Management Board and Founder

Superchat: All Channels, Inboxes, and Messages at a Glance

To ensure an uncomplicated and intuitive communication method, KRF chose Superchat's messaging platform. This decision was made when launching the digital ombudsman service helpando.org, which is specifically targeted at children and young people.

This convinced the organization:

  • Superchat's WhatsApp and Instagram channels are relevant to a young audience
  • WhatsApp can be used in a guaranteed GDPR-compliant way via the WhatsApp API
  • The unified inbox offers features to manage multiple inboxes and channels simultaneously

Superchat's messaging suite is used across the organization. The platform simplifies efficient digital communication for both the organization and the help center. To maintain order, different mailboxes are used and employee access rights are coordinated.

One Chat Away: Most requests come via WhatsApp & Instagram

Children, young people, and adults can choose their preferred channel to contact the organization. The webchat offers website visitors an easy way to reach the KRF team. This widget is used on both kinderrechteforum.org and helpando.org.

Website visitors can choose between WhatsApp, Instagram, E-Mail, SMS, or Facebook Messenger. While adults often prefer email or Facebook, young people primarily use WhatsApp or Instagram on helpando.org.


With Superchat, we can be reached on exactly the channels that our target group uses. Since we started using Superchat, we have received numerous messages via WhatsApp, Instagram, and Co.
Üwen Ergün, KRF Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung & Gründer
Üwen Ergün, Chairman of the Management Board and Founder

The KRF team often supports young people over an extended period. Important information is recorded as notes. If the person in charge changes or if more than one person is responsible, no information is lost.

The assignment to employees ensures that inquiries always reach the right contact person and can be answered quickly. The open/done function allows all teams to keep track of new and already processed messages.

Benefits of KRF using Superchat

  • Easy accessibility via the communication channels that matter to the young target group
  • A tool that simplifies work and communication with efficient functions
  • A significant increase in inquiries received via WhatsApp, Instagram, and Co. in recent months
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Maximilian Mierswa
Maximilian Mierswa
Marketing Intern, Superchat
Maximilian is an intern at Superchat and supports the marketing team with various tasks. He also has a great passion for new projects.