
Integrate Hubspot with WhatsApp - in less than 5 minutes

With Superchat, you can integrate Hubspot with WhatsApp & Co. in just a few clicks and automatically synchronise your contacts and send personalised messages.

Hubspot is a popular CRM tool that also includes a variety of marketing tools. Hubspot is not as customisable as Salesforce, for example, but can be set up more quickly and at a lower cost, making it attractive to smaller businesses.

Integration with messengers such as WhatsApp is often used to ensure that contact data is automatically synchronised between the two systems and that messages can be sent automatically when certain events occur.

Synchronise contacts in Hubspot
Automatically add new contacts to Hubspot or update existing contacts in Superchat from WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and more.
showcase illustration
Synchronise contacts in Superchat
Automatically add new contacts from Hubspot, such as from your lead forms or sales activities, to Superchat or update existing contacts.
showcase illustration
Trigger automated messages from your CRM
Automatically send messages via WhatsApp, Instagram or more, for example when a lead enters a new stage or a new activity is added.
showcase illustration

Advantages: Why you should integrate your CRM system with WhatsApp

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems are key software applications for many businesses. Nowadays, CRM software is generally indispensable, especially for sales, marketing and support teams, as it contains relevant information about customers and prospects.

For this reason, messengers like WhatsApp should also be connected to your Hubspot CRM. Typically, you will also want to use relevant contacts and data from your CRM for your conversational commerce activities, and automatically push updates you receive via Messenger to your CRM to help you work more efficiently.

With over two billion active users, WhatsApp is the world's most popular messenger, followed by Facebook Messenger. Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms. Instagram, in particular, also plays a major role in direct communication between users via direct messages. For many companies, these channels are becoming increasingly important for engaging with customers. In many cases, they have almost completely replaced email.

This is mainly because text messages are almost always read. WhatsApp messages have an open rate of around 98% and are typically read in less than an hour. Messengers are also more personal than traditional marketing channels and allow for a much faster exchange of information.

The benefits of CRM integration with WhatsApp at a glance:

  • New channel with large audience
  • Exceptional user interaction
  • More effective use of WhatsApp
  • Easily synchronise contact data
  • Automatically update contact information
  • Integrate with other tools
  • Automate processes through the messenger

Instructions: How to integrate Hubspot with WhatsApp, Instagram & Co.

Automatically synchronising contacts in Hubspot with WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook Messenger is only possible via the API. This means that you either have to connect the APIs yourself, or use a tool that has already integrated the necessary APIs. For example, Superchat has integrations with Zapier and Make, allowing you to integrate Hubspot with any popular messenger in just a few clicks.


  • Access to the WhatsApp Business API or WhatsApp Cloud API or a messaging platform like Superchat that already has all the necessary integrations
  • Admin access to your Hubspot Account
  • Access to a Zapier or Make account

Step-by-step guide to integrating Typeform with WhatsApp using Zapier

The process will vary depending on what you're trying to automate. The following steps will show you how to add a new contact from Hubspot to Superchat or update an existing contact.

  1. Create a [WhatsApp template with your confirmation message in Superchat] (https://intercom-help.eu/superx/en/articles/25035-get-started-whatsapp-templates). Please note that new contacts can only be contacted via the WhatsApp API using approved templates.
  2. Open Zapier, click 'Create' in the top left corner and select 'Zap'.
  3. Use the Hubspot App as the trigger and select "News contact" as the event.
  4. Next, add a new step using the Superchat app with the 'Find a contact' event. In the 'Action' menu, under 'Field', select the preferred contact attribute in Superchat (the phone number for WhatsApp contacts) and in the 'Value' field select the corresponding result from your Hubspot contact. Make sure to select "Yes" for the field "Should this step be considered a "success" when nothing is found?"
  5. Add the App "Paths by Zapier". The workflow will now automatically split in two paths.
  6. For Path A select the following rules: From Step 2 "Find Contact in Superchat" select the field "Zap Search Was Found" and below "(Boolean) Is false". Workflow will follow this path, if no existing contact could be found in Superchat.
  7. Add the Superchat App to the path and select the event "Create Contact in Superchat". Fill the fields in "Action" with the results from your Hubspot contact.
  8. For Path B select the following rules: From Step 2 "Find Contact in Superchat" select the field "Zap Search Was Found" and below "(Boolean) Is true". Workflow will follow this path, if a contact was found in Superchat.
  9. Add the Superchat App to the path and select the event "Update Contact in Superchat". Fill the fields you want to update in "Action" with the with the results from your Hubspot contact.
  10. Test the steps and then publish the Zap (Off/On).

How to make the most out of your Hubspot and WhatsApp integration

  • Automatically create new contacts from Superchat in Hubspot or update an existing contact
  • Automatically update contact attributes in Hubspot based on WhatsApp messages from your contacts
  • Trigger automated messages to contacts with events in your CRM system

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